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Uppy 4.0 is here: TypeScript rewrite, Google Photos, React hooks, and much more.

New Uppy 4.0 major: TypeScript rewrite, Google Photos, React hooks, and much more

· 11 min read
Screenshot of Uppy Dashboard with text outlining the major new features in 4.0

Hold on to your leashes, folks! Uppy 4.0 is here, and it’s more exciting than a tennis ball at the dog park! Our beloved Uppy mascot, the adorable coding canine, has been hard at work fetching all the latest updates for you.

From a full TypeScript makeover to shiny new React hooks, and even Google Photos integration – this release is so packed with treats that we’re almost wagging our tails in excitement. Without further a-dog, let’s dig into what makes Uppy 4.0 the goodest of good boys in file uploading!

🎄 Uppy 3.13 to 3.21: Typescript Saga: the beginning, Image Editor improvements, Dashboard auto-install

· 5 min read
Drawing of a dog with a laptop and Christmas tree on Mars

It’s this time of the year again! Make yourself cozy by the fire, and let us help you unwrap the gifts Uppy has prepared for you.

We proud of all the improvements and amazing new features and bug fixes we were able to introduce this year. The highlights being: conditional S3 multipart and signing S3 uploads on the client, speedy handling of 10-50k file uploads, refresh tokens (useful when the token expires mid-upload for a large amount of files / slow connections), server-sent events and new assemblyOptions for the Transloadit plugin, Dashboard Single File mode (singleFileFullScreen), improved ETA in the Status Bar, a bunch of new languages, including Hindi, Mexican Spanish and Catalan.

This one, however, is a recent Uppy updates post, covering releases from 3.13.0 to 3.21.0: announcing the switch to Typescript, Dashboard can now auto-install plugins, support for Catalan language, a heap of bug fixes for Tus, Companion, AWS S3, and more.

Scaling Images on Rotation

· 6 min read

We recently released an “image scaling on rotation” feature for Uppy’s Image Editor, an often-requested feature that we’re super proud to be able to announce.

In this blog post, we’ll be taking a peek behind the curtain, as we take a detailed look into the development of this feature, and our thought-process approaching it.

Before we start though, take a look below at a comparison between how Uppy’s Image Editor used to handle image rotations, and how it handles them now.

Without scaling With scaling

Without further ado, let’s dive into some of the finer technical details, so you can follow along and implement this feature into your own image editor.

Uppy 3.3 to 3.13: conditional S3 multipart, signing on the client, speedy handling of 10k files and much much more

· 9 min read
Screenshot of the new Uppy website homepage

This is a big Uppy update post, covering releases from 3.3.0 to 3.13.0!

In this issue: the long-awaited unified S3 plugin which can switch between regular and multipart uploads, improved performance when adding and validating 10k+ files, and stability improvements and bug fixes. The Transloadit plugin is now also easier to configure and leaner in bundle size, since we removed in favor of Server-Sent Events.

Please make a cup of something tasty ☕️ (in a non-spillable container), as this will be quite a ride.

New and docs

· 2 min read
Screenshot of the new Uppy website homepage

We are excited to announce that our new website, documentation and blog are now live out of beta, ready for you to enjoy on! Let us know what you think on twitter.

The first iteration of the Uppy website was built by Artur and Kevin over 7 years ago, using Hexo static site generator as a base. It served us well, but over time Hexo got less maintained, our docs more messy, and quite a few places were collecting dust.

About a year ago Merlijn set on a task to refresh the Uppy documentation experience, rewriting most of the docs from the ground up, with everyone on the team contributing in their area of Uppy knowledge. Docusaurus 🦕 was chosen as one of the top modern tools for documentation.

Screenshot of the Uppy website showing a documentation page with new design

Most of the plugin’s docs now explain when you should use it (and sometimes when not), followed by how to install, tips and details and links to CodeSandbox samples.

And for desert, we now have a swift website-wide search in the top bar, powered by Algolia, give it a go!

Screenshot of the Uppy website showing the search interface

Enjoy the new!

🎄 Uppy 3.1-3.3: Improved AWS S3 Multipart, Single File Mode

· 3 min read

🎅🐶 Ho-ho-ho, we are about to wrap up another year for Uppy! Three minor releases ago we’ve introduced Uppy 3.0. It’s time to give you an update on what’s been cooking in the Uppy-Transloadit headquarters (besides cranberry sauce) for the past couple of months.

In short: AWS S3 Multipart stability improvements, Single File Mode for the Dashboard, more tests and bugfixes, new locales.

Uppy 3.0: Future-proof, conveniently easy, stable as ever

· 7 min read

Screenshot of Uppy 3.0.0 UI

For those new to Uppy, coming from Reddit, Hacker News and Product Hunt today: Uppy is a popular open source file uploader for the browser. Pick files from local disk or camera, remote sources like Instagram, Unsplash, Dropbox etc, record audio and screencasts. Crop and tweak images with the image editor plugin. Supports resumable uploads to a server, AWS S3 (and many others with similar API like DigitalOcean), multipart. Try it!

Uppy is turning three! When you’re counting in dog years – which we most certainly are – that’s 29 already. An age like that signifies proper adulthood. For Uppy, this means it’s ready to stay loyal, but without the silly mistakes (read: bugs). Uppy also underwent (ESM) surgery to keep it strolling by your side in the current ecosystem, and received other behavioral improvements 🐶

Uppy 2.4-2.7: Image Compressor, Transloadit Rate Limiting, ESM

· 4 min read

We’re always looking for opportunities to teach Uppy cool new tricks, and the past few months have been no exception. Since our most recent post in December, Uppy has continued to receive a steady stream of updates. This post covers all the improvements made in Uppy versions 2.4 through 2.7. Changes and additions include: image compression, improved Transloadit rate limiting and a lighter Dashboard plugin. We’ve also moved our end-to-end tests to Cypress, and are slowly converting plugins to ES modules (ESM).

Uppy Compressor plugin showing compressed images notification

🎄 Uppy 2.1-2.3: Audio plugin, fast and efficient streaming for Companion, production-ready Unsplash, and more

· 6 min read

Last Christmas, we gave you Uppy 1.24, but this very next year, we’ll take it away (since it’s outdated by now) and give you a brand-new Uppy 2.3 🎁!

After the release of our latest major version, 2.0.0, we’ve been busy with many things. First of all is the long-awaited Audio plugin to record and upload live audio directly. We then worked on adding a fast and efficient streaming interface to Companion and made Unsplash production ready. Housekeeping was also part of the job: we made Status Bar improvements, moved from npm to Yarn 3, did some refactoring, and updated dependencies.

Last but not least, we got the issue count down from around 110 since 2.0.0 to around 45 now.

Uppy 2.0.0: smaller, faster, modular plugins, Preact X, stricter types, and much more

· 9 min read

Today, our tails are positively wagging with excitement about the release of Uppy 2.0! This latest version is on average 25% smaller and up to a thousand times faster, thanks to dropping support for IE11 and a lot of refactoring work. We’ve upgraded many dependencies, most notably Preact 8 to Preact X, greatly improved TypeScript support and screen reader accessibility, paid technical debt, and added support for multiple messages in the Informer plugin.

Chow down on all the juicy bits and pieces inside! And make sure to try Uppy live demo.

Uppy 2.0 cover banner