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Day 23

· 2 min read

Hello and welcome to Day 23 of our '30 Days to Liftoff' blog post challenge. The launch date for Uppy 1.0 is still set for April the 25th and a lot of work is ongoing to make it happen. Let's take a look at the updates for today!

  • Artur and Kevin finished the implementation of language packs so that you can now display Uppy in your (user's) local Language. Here is a quick example on how it is intended for use:
// npm install @uppy/locales --save
const russianLocale = require('@uppy/locales/lib/ru_RU');

const uppy = Uppy({
locale: russianLocale,

and if you'd use the CDN version of Uppy (instead of bundling and hosting yourself:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var uppy = Uppy.Core({
locale: Uppy.locales.ru_RU

While the new locale packs weren't finished, we had to reject updates to the old locales, and quickly became outdated for which we are very sorry. To all language contributors, we hope you can forgive us, and that you're willing to translate the updated en_US locale to your own language! This time we promise your contributions will make it to 1.0!

  • Alex continues to work on a new design for the website.

  • Ife finished updating Companion to report better progress when it's downloading something that it needs to upload to an XHR target.

  • Renée is working on error reporting for the Transloadit plugin as mentioned yesterday, which notifies us of connectivity problems when they occur.

  • Evgenia continues her work on browser compatibility for dropping or pasting URLs.

On that note, Day 23 of our thirty-day challenge comes to an end. Tomorrow looks like it will be another exciting day, so don't hesitate to keep checking up on us via Twitter or RSS!