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Day 22

· 2 min read

We will launch Uppy 1.0 on April 25 and this is our '30 Days to Liftoff' blog post challenge where we share updates on our progress each day! Let's see what happened on Day 22.

After this, it will be just as easy to maintain language/locale packs as it will be to switch Uppy to your favorite language. Fun fact: we experimented a bit with Google Sheets and Google Translate to automatically create a first swing for a few of the languages we want to launch with.

It kinda worked! Google automatically translates to target languages in each column we add, for each change we make in the original! In the end, though, we decided this was not the way to go, as it really didn't save us any time. As it turns out, starting from a good English version of the text is way easier than making sense of a broken Google translation. It was a fun experiment nonetheless and it's cool to see where this is all heading!

Artur will also be reviewing the many PRs that have been submitted by both Transloadians and outside contributors.

  • Alex finished his redesign for the new website:

..and will start implementing it today! He also worked on more design improvements for Uppy itself.

  • Ife is investigating incorrect progress reporting / uploads with XHR and Companion.

  • Renée finished work on making Robodog work with an inline dashboard, as well as fix a bug in how we log to the console. Up next, Renée will work on error reporting for the Transloadit Plugin.

  • Evgenia finished her work on drag and drop improvements and will continue working on accessibility improvements.

Stay current by following us on Twitter or subscribing to regular updates on RSS. See you tomorrow for Day 23!