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Uppy 4.0 is here: TypeScript rewrite, Google Photos, React hooks, and much more.

Day 10

· 3 min read

Today marks the tenth day in our 30 Days to Liftoff! April 25 is still in our sights as we work towards the Uppy 1.0 release. The end of the working week is almost upon us, but there's no sign of slowing down yet.

Things are looking up(p 17 | 18 | y) on our project board as the team has been working on tasks at a steady pace. A quick status update will give us a little insight into how things are going concerning all things Uppy.

In Progress​


  • If you've been keeping up with our posts, you might notice the navigator at the top of the page looks a little different than usual. That is because Alex has been on a roll and updated the navigator for our blogposts.

  • Ife's fix for hanging instagram uploads was merged into Uppy's master branch. One more bug squashed!

  • One small chore was done by Renée, involving adding git to the Companion dockerfile, which was needed to install tus-js-client and ensure Companion could be deployed successfully on our continuous integration server.

While not strictly related to our Uppy 1.0 release, we have managed to reach over 6000 commits to our master branch and 99 contributors in the Uppy repo. We would like to give a huge thank you to everyone offering their support!

On that note, Day 10 of our thirty-day challenge comes to an end. Friday looks like it will be another exciting day, so don't hesitate to keep checking up on us via Twitter or RSS!