Day 4
Today marks the fourth day of our ongoing thirty-day blog post challenge, giving you an overview of all the progress building up to our Uppy 1.0 release on April 25!

We haven't even hit April 1 yet and the 'Done' section of the project dashboard is already getting plenty of love! Today, Alex finished designing a specialized header for visitors of and to inform them about the discount on Transloadit services they can receive ๐
Adbel started a dialogue with the team regarding
Docker secrets, seeing as
an issue about this was
reported. He decided that the best course of action was to follow the Kubernetes
best practices
and add a Secret
resource to contain the environment variables.
In Progressโ
One of the more exciting updates of this day was also contributed by Alex, with his impressive pre-alpha sketch of a new homepage for Uppy. Despite only being a work in progress, the entire team has been overjoyed with how it's turning out! Take a look for yourself (click to see the full page):

Ife has been focused on fixing hanging Instagram files uploaded through Companion and our content team's own Samuel added examples for handling uploads in Node.js, and in Python (using the Flask microframework).
And that's Day 4 complete! Catch up with us tomorrow, as we take this thing into our first weekend of the 30 Days to Liftoff! And of course, if you want to keep yourself constantly updated, feel free to subscribe to our RSS feed ๐