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Uppy 4.0 is here: TypeScript rewrite, Google Photos, React hooks, and much more.

Uppy core

Uppy can be an uploader and an interface with a lot of features. Features can be added incrementally with plugins, but Uppy can be as bare bones as you want it to be. So we build Uppy’s heart, @uppy/core, as a standalone orchestrator. It acts as a state manager, event emitter, and restrictions handler.

When should I use it?

@uppy/core is the fundament of the Uppy ecosystem, the orchestrator for all added plugins. No matter the uploading experience you’re looking for, it all starts with installing this plugin.

You can use @uppy/core and build your own UI or go for the Dashboard integration. For an uploading plugin, you can refer to choosing the uploader you need.

If you want to see how it all comes together, checkout the examples.


npm install @uppy/core


@uppy/core has four exports: Uppy, UIPlugin, BasePlugin, and debugLogger. The default export is the Uppy class.

Working with Uppy files

Uppy keeps files in state with the File browser API, but it’s wrapped in an Object to be able to add more data to it, which we call an Uppy file. All these properties can be useful for plugins and side-effects (such as events).

Mutating these properties should be done through methods.

Uppy file properties


Name of the plugin that was responsible for adding this file. Typically a remote provider plugin like 'GoogleDrive' or a UI plugin like 'DragDrop'.

Unique ID for the file.

The name of the file.


Object containing standard as well as user-defined metadata for each file. Any custom file metadata should be JSON-serializable. The following standard metadata will be stored on all file objects, but plugins may add more metadata.

    • Same as
  • file.meta.type
    • Same as file.type.
  • file.meta.relativePath
    • For any local folder that was drag-dropped or opened in Uppy, the files inside the folder will have the relativePath metadata field set to their path, relative to the folder. relativePath begins with the folder’s name and ends with the file’s name. If opening or drag-dropping a file instead of a folder, relativePath will be null. The same behaviour exists for remote (provider) files, but the path will instead be relative to the user’s selection (checkboxes). No leading or trailing slashes.
    • Local file example: When drag-dropping a local folder folder1 which has a folder inside of it named folder2 which has a file named file inside of it, the relativePath meta field of the file will be folder1/folder2/file. However if drag-dropping or opening file directly, relativePath will be null.
    • Remote file example: Suppose we have a remote provider folder structure such as /folder1/folder2/file. Then, if the user checks the checkbox next to folder1, file’s relativePath will be "folder1/folder2/file". However if the user first navigates into folder1, and only then checks the checkbox next to folder2, relativePath will be "folder2/file".
  • file.meta.absolutePath
    • The absolutePath meta field will only be set for remote files. Regardless of user selection, it will always be the path relative to the root of the provider’s list of files, as presented to the user. absolutePath always begins with a / and will always end with the file’s name. To clarify: The difference between absolutePath and relativePath is that absolutePath only exists for remote files, and always has the full path to the file, while relativePath is the file’s path relative to the user’s selected folder.


MIME type of the file. This may actually be guessed if a file type was not provided by the user’s browser, so this is a best-effort value and not guaranteed to be correct.

For local files, this is the actual File or Blob object representing the file contents.

For files that are imported from remote providers, the file data is not available in the browser.


An object with upload progress data.


  • bytesUploaded - Number of bytes uploaded so far.
  • bytesTotal - Number of bytes that must be uploaded in total.
  • uploadStarted - Null if the upload has not started yet. Once started, this property stores a UNIX timestamp. Note that this is only set after preprocessing.
  • uploadComplete - Boolean indicating if the upload has completed. Note this does not mean that postprocessing has completed, too.
  • percentage - Integer percentage between 0 and 100.


Size in bytes of the file.


Boolean: is this file imported from a remote provider?


Grab bag of data for remote providers. Generally not interesting for end users.


An optional URL to a visual thumbnail for the file.


When an upload is completed, this may contain a URL to the uploaded file. Depending on server configuration it may not be accessible or correct.

new Uppy(options?)

import Uppy from '@uppy/core';

const uppy = new Uppy();



A site-wide unique ID for the instance (string, default: uppy).


If several Uppy instances are being used, for instance, on two different pages, an id should be specified. This allows Uppy to store information in localStorage without colliding with other Uppy instances.

This ID should be persistent across page reloads and navigation—it shouldn’t be a random number that is different every time Uppy is loaded.


Upload as soon as files are added (boolean, default: false).

By default Uppy will wait for an upload button to be pressed in the UI, or the .upload() method to be called before starting an upload. Setting this to true will start uploading automatically after the first file is selected


Whether to allow several upload batches (boolean, default: true).

This means several calls to .upload(), or a user adding more files after already uploading some. An upload batch is made up of the files that were added since the earlier .upload() call.

With this option set to true, users can upload some files, and then add more files and upload those as well. A model use case for this is uploading images to a gallery or adding attachments to an email.

With this option set to false, users can upload some files, and you can listen for the 'complete' event to continue to the next step in your app’s upload flow. A typical use case for this is uploading a new profile picture. If you are integrating with an existing HTML form, this option gives the closest behaviour to a bare <input type="file">.


Whether to send debugging and warning logs (boolean, default: false).

Setting this to true sets the logger to debugLogger.


Logger used for uppy.log (Object, default: justErrorsLogger).

By providing your own logger, you can send the debug information to a server, choose to log errors only, etc.


Set logger to debugLogger to get debug info output to the browser console:


You can also provide your own logger object: it should expose debug, warn and error methods, as shown in the examples below.

Here’s an example of a logger that does nothing:

const nullLogger = {
debug: (...args) => {},
warn: (...args) => {},
error: (...args) => {},


Conditions for restricting an upload (Object, default: {}).

maxFileSizenumbermaximum file size in bytes for each individual file
minFileSizenumberminimum file size in bytes for each individual file
maxTotalFileSizenumbermaximum file size in bytes for all the files that can be selected for upload
maxNumberOfFilesnumbertotal number of files that can be selected
minNumberOfFilesnumberminimum number of files that must be selected before the upload
allowedFileTypesArraywildcards image/*, or exact mime types image/jpeg, or file extensions .jpg: ['image/*', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif']
requiredMetaFieldsArray<string>make keys from the meta object in every file required before uploading

maxNumberOfFiles also affects the number of files a user is able to select via the system file dialog in UI plugins like DragDrop, FileInput and Dashboard. When set to 1, they will only be able to select a single file. When null or another number is provided, they will be able to select several files.


allowedFileTypes gets passed to the file system dialog via the <input> accept attribute, so only types supported by the browser will work.


If you’d like to force a certain meta field data to be entered before the upload, you can do so using onBeforeUpload.


If you need to restrict allowedFileTypes to a file extension with double dots, like .nii.gz, you can do so by setting allowedFileTypes to the last part of the extension, allowedFileTypes: ['.gz'], and then using onBeforeFileAdded to filter for .nii.gz.


Key/value pairs to add to each file’s metadata (Object, default: {}).


Metadata from each file is then attached to uploads in the Tus and XHR plugins.


Two methods also exist for updating metadata: setMeta and setFileMeta.


Metadata can also be added from a <form> element on your page, through the Form plugin or through the UI if you are using Dashboard with the metaFields option.

onBeforeFileAdded(file, files)

A function called before a file is added to Uppy (Function, default: (files, file) => !Object.hasOwn(files,

Use this function to run any number of custom checks on the selected file, or manipulate it, for instance, by optimizing a file name. You can also allow duplicate files with this.

You can return true to keep the file as is, false to remove the file, or return a modified file.


This method is intended for quick synchronous checks and modifications only. If you need to do an async API call, or heavy work on a file (like compression or encryption), you should use a custom plugin instead.


No notification will be shown to the user about a file not passing validation by default. We recommend showing a message using and logging to console for debugging purposes via uppy.log().

Filter, change, and abort example

Allow all files, also duplicate files. This will replace the file if it has not been uploaded. If you upload a duplicate file again it depends on your upload plugin and backend how it is handled.

const uppy = new Uppy({
// ...
onBeforeFileAdded: () => true,

Keep only files under a condition:

const uppy = new Uppy({
// ...
onBeforeFileAdded: (currentFile, files) => {
if ( === 'forest-IMG_0616.jpg') {
return true
return false

Change all file names:

const uppy = new Uppy({
// ...
onBeforeFileAdded: (currentFile, files) => {
const modifiedFile = {
name: `${}__${}`,
return modifiedFile

Abort a file:

const uppy = new Uppy({
// ...
onBeforeFileAdded: (currentFile, files) => {
if (!currentFile.type) {
// log to console
uppy.log(`Skipping file because it has no type`);
// show error message to the user`Skipping file because it has no type`, 'error', 500);
return false;


A function called before when upload is initiated (Function, default: (files) => files).

Use this to check if all files or their total number match your requirements, or manipulate all the files at once before upload.

You can return true to continue the upload, false to cancel it, or return modified files.


This method is intended for quick synchronous checks and modifications only. If you need to do an async API call, or heavy work on a file (like compression or encryption), you should use a custom plugin instead.


No notification will be shown to the user about a file not passing validation by default. We recommend showing a message using and logging to console for debugging purposes via uppy.log().

Change and abort example

Change all file names:

const uppy = new Uppy({
// ...
onBeforeUpload: (files) => {
// We’ll be careful to return a new object, not mutating the original `files`
const updatedFiles = {};
Object.keys(files).forEach((fileID) => {
updatedFiles[fileID] = {
name: `${myCustomPrefix}__${files[fileID].name}`,
return updatedFiles;

Abort an upload:

const uppy = new Uppy({
// ...
onBeforeUpload: (files) => {
if (Object.keys(files).length < 2) {
// log to console
`Aborting upload because only ${
} files were selected`,
// show error message to the user`You have to select at least 2 files`, 'error', 500);
return false;
return true;


You can override locale strings by passing the strings object with the keys you want to override.


Array indexed objects are used for pluralisation.


If you want a different language it’s better to use locales.

module.exports = {
strings: {
addBulkFilesFailed: {
0: 'Failed to add %{smart_count} file due to an internal error',
1: 'Failed to add %{smart_count} files due to internal errors',
youCanOnlyUploadX: {
0: 'You can only upload %{smart_count} file',
1: 'You can only upload %{smart_count} files',
youHaveToAtLeastSelectX: {
0: 'You have to select at least %{smart_count} file',
1: 'You have to select at least %{smart_count} files',
exceedsSize: '%{file} exceeds maximum allowed size of %{size}',
missingRequiredMetaField: 'Missing required meta fields',
'Missing required meta fields in %{fileName}',
inferiorSize: 'This file is smaller than the allowed size of %{size}',
youCanOnlyUploadFileTypes: 'You can only upload: %{types}',
noMoreFilesAllowed: 'Cannot add more files',
"Cannot add the duplicate file '%{fileName}', it already exists",
companionError: 'Connection with Companion failed',
authAborted: 'Authentication aborted',
'To unauthorize to your %{provider} account, please go to %{url}',
failedToUpload: 'Failed to upload %{file}',
noInternetConnection: 'No Internet connection',
connectedToInternet: 'Connected to the Internet',
// Strings for remote providers
noFilesFound: 'You have no files or folders here',
selectX: {
0: 'Select %{smart_count}',
1: 'Select %{smart_count}',
allFilesFromFolderNamed: 'All files from folder %{name}',
openFolderNamed: 'Open folder %{name}',
cancel: 'Cancel',
logOut: 'Log out',
filter: 'Filter',
resetFilter: 'Reset filter',
loading: 'Loading...',
'Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files',
authenticateWith: 'Connect to %{pluginName}',
signInWithGoogle: 'Sign in with Google',
searchImages: 'Search for images',
enterTextToSearch: 'Enter text to search for images',
search: 'Search',
emptyFolderAdded: 'No files were added from empty folder',
folderAlreadyAdded: 'The folder "%{folder}" was already added',
folderAdded: {
0: 'Added %{smart_count} file from %{folder}',
1: 'Added %{smart_count} files from %{folder}',


The store that is used to keep track of internal state (Object, default: DefaultStore).

This option can be used to plug Uppy state into an external state management library, such as Redux.


How long an Informer notification will be visible (number, default: 5000).


use(plugin, opts)

Add a plugin to Uppy, with an optional plugin options object.

import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
import DragDrop from '@uppy/drag-drop';

const uppy = new Uppy();
uppy.use(DragDrop, { target: 'body' });


Uninstall and remove a plugin.


Get a plugin by its id to access its methods.


Get the Uppy instance ID, see the id option.


Add a new file to Uppy’s internal state. addFile will return the generated id for the file that was added.

addFile gives an error if the file cannot be added, either because onBeforeFileAdded(file) gave an error, or because uppy.opts.restrictions checks failed.

name: 'my-file.jpg', // file name
type: 'image/jpeg', // file type
data: blob, // file blob
meta: {
// optional, store the directory path of a file so Uppy can tell identical files in different directories apart.
relativePath: webkitFileSystemEntry.relativePath,
source: 'Local', // optional, determines the source of the file, for example, Instagram.
isRemote: false, // optional, set to true if actual file is not in the browser, but on some remote server, for example,
// when using companion in combination with Instagram.

If you try to add a file that already exists, addFile will throw an error. Unless that duplicate file was dropped with a folder — duplicate files from different folders are allowed, when selected with that folder. This is because we add file.meta.relativePath to the


If uppy.opts.autoProceed === true, Uppy will begin uploading automatically when files are added.


Sometimes you might need to add a remote file to Uppy. This can be achieved by fetching the file, then creating a Blob object, or using the Url plugin with Companion.


Sometimes you might need to mark some files as “already uploaded”, so that the user sees them, but they won’t actually be uploaded by Uppy. This can be achieved by looping through files and setting uploadComplete: true, uploadStarted: true on them


Remove a file from Uppy. Removing a file that is already being uploaded cancels that upload.



Clear the state. Can be useful for manually resetting Uppy after a successful upload. Note that this method might throw an error if you try to call it while an upload is ongoing.

Upload plugins may choose to throw an error if called during an upload.


Get a specific Uppy file by its ID.

const file = uppy.getFile('uppyteamkongjpg1501851828779');


Get an array of all added Uppy files.

const files = uppy.getFiles();


Start uploading added files.

Returns a Promise result that resolves with an object containing two arrays of uploaded files:

  • result.successful - Files that were uploaded successfully.
  • result.failed - Files that did not upload successfully. These files will have a .error property describing what went wrong.
uppy.upload().then((result) => {'Successful uploads:', result.successful);

if (result.failed.length > 0) {
result.failed.forEach((file) => {


Toggle pause/resume on an upload. Will only work if resumable upload plugin, such as Tus, is used.


Pause all uploads. Will only work if a resumable upload plugin, such as Tus, is used.


Resume all uploads. Will only work if resumable upload plugin, such as Tus, is used.


Retry an upload (after an error, for example).


Retry all uploads (after an error, for example).


Cancel all uploads, reset progress and remove all files. If you are using the Transloadit plugin, this will also cancel all running assemblies, even after an upload has finished.


Update Uppy’s internal state. Usually, this method is called internally, but in some cases it might be useful to alter something directly, especially when implementing your own plugins.

Uppy’s default state on initialization:

const state = {
plugins: {},
files: {},
currentUploads: {},
capabilities: {
resumableUploads: false,
totalProgress: 0,
meta: { ...this.opts.meta },
info: {
isHidden: true,
type: 'info',
message: '',

Updating state:

uppy.setState({ smth: true });

State in Uppy is considered to be immutable. When updating values, make sure not mutate them, but instead create copies. See Redux docs for more info on this.


Returns the current state from the Store.

setFileState(fileID, state)

Update the state for a single file. This is mostly useful for plugins that may want to store data on Uppy files, or need to pass file-specific configurations to other plugins that support it.

fileID is the string file ID. state is an object that will be merged into the file’s state object.


Alters global meta object in state, the one that can be set in Uppy options and gets merged with all newly added files. Calling setMeta will also merge newly added meta data with files that had been selected before.

uppy.setMeta({ resize: 1500, token: 'ab5kjfg' });

setFileMeta(fileID, data)

Update metadata for a specific file.

uppy.setFileMeta('myfileID', { resize: 1500 });


Change the options Uppy initialized with.

const uppy = new Uppy();

restrictions: { maxNumberOfFiles: 3 },
autoProceed: true,

locale: {
strings: {
cancel: 'Отмена',

You can also change options for plugin:

// Change width of the Dashboard drag-and-drop aread on the fly
width: 300,


Uninstall all plugins and close down this Uppy instance. Also runs uppy.cancelAll() before uninstalling. Note that this method should not normally be used. If you only want reset the Uppy instance so that you can start a new upload, you probably want to use clear() method instead.


Calls provider.logout() on each remote provider plugin (Google Drive, Instagram, etc). Useful, for example, after your users log out of their account in your app — this will clean things up with Uppy cloud providers as well, for extra security.

log(message, type)

messagestringmessage to log
typestring?debug, warn, or error

See logger docs for details.

uppy.log('[Dashboard] adding files...');

info(message, type, duration)

Sets a message in state, with optional details, that can be shown by notification UI plugins. It’s using the Informer plugin, included by default in Dashboard.

messagestring, Object'info message' or { message: 'Oh no!', details: 'File couldn’t be uploaded' }
typestring?'info', 'warning', 'success' or 'error'
durationnumber?in milliseconds

info-visible and info-hidden events are emitted when this info message should be visible or hidden.'Oh my, something good happened!', 'success', 3000);
message: 'Oh no, something bad happened!',
'File couldn’t be uploaded because there is no internet connection',


Add a preprocessing function. fn gets called with a list of file IDs before an upload starts. fn should return a Promise. Its resolution value is ignored.


To change file data and such, use Uppy state updates, for example using setFileState.


Add an uploader function. fn gets called with a list of file IDs when an upload should start. Uploader functions should do the actual uploading work, such as creating and sending an XMLHttpRequest or calling into some upload service SDK. fn should return a Promise that resolves once all files have been uploaded.


You may choose to still resolve the Promise if some file uploads fail. This way, any postprocessing will still run on the files that were uploaded successfully, while uploads that failed will be retried when retryAll is called.


Add a postprocessing function. fn is called with a list of file IDs when an upload has finished. fn should return a Promise that resolves when the processing work is complete. The value of the Promise is ignored.

For example, you could wait for file encoding or CDN propagation to complete, or you could do an HTTP API call to create an album containing all images that were uploaded.


Remove a processor or uploader function that was added before. Normally, this should be done in the uninstall() method.

on('event', action)

Subscribe to an uppy-event. See below for the full list of events.

once('event', action)

Create an event listener that fires once. See below for the full list of events.

off('event', action)

Unsubscribe to an uppy-event. See below for the full list of events.


Uppy exposes events that you can subscribe to for side-effects.


Fired each time a file is added.


uppy.on('file-added', (file) => {
console.log('Added file', file);



  • files - Array of Uppy files which were added at once, in a batch.

Fired each time when one or more files are added — one event, for all files


Fired each time a file is removed.



uppy.on('file-removed', (file) => {
console.log('Removed file', file);
uppy.on('file-removed', (file) => {


Fired when the upload starts.


  • uploadID (string)
  • files (UppyFile<M,B>)


Progress of the pre-processors.


progress is an object with properties:

  • mode - Either 'determinate' or 'indeterminate'.
  • message - A message to show to the user. Something like 'Preparing upload...', but be more specific if possible.

When mode is 'determinate', also add the value property:

  • value - A progress value between 0 and 1.


Fired each time the total upload progress is updated:


  • progress - An integer (0-100) representing the total upload progress.


uppy.on('progress', (progress) => {
// progress: integer (total progress percentage)


Fired each time an individual file upload progress is available:


  • file - The Uppy file that has progressed.
  • progress - The same object as in file.progress.


uppy.on('upload-progress', (file, progress) => {
// file: { id, name, type, ... }
// progress: { uploader, bytesUploaded, bytesTotal }
console.log(, progress.bytesUploaded, progress.bytesTotal);


Fired when an individual upload is (un)paused.


  • file (UppyFile<M,B>)
  • isPaused (boolean)


Progress of the post-processors.


progress is an object with properties:

  • mode - Either 'determinate' or 'indeterminate'.
  • message - A message to show to the user. Something like 'Preparing upload...', but be more specific if possible.

When mode is 'determinate', also add the value property:

  • value - A progress value between 0 and 1.


Fired each time a single upload is completed.


  • file - The Uppy file that was uploaded.
  • response - An object with response data from the remote endpoint. The actual contents depend on the upload plugin that is used.

For @uppy/xhr-upload, the shape is:

"status": 200, // HTTP status code (0, 200, 300)
"body": "…", // response body
"uploadURL": "…" // the file url, if it was returned


uppy.on('upload-success', (file, response) => {
console.log(, response.uploadURL);
const img = new Image();
img.width = 300;
img.alt =;
img.src = response.uploadURL;


Fired when all uploads are complete.

The result parameter is an object with arrays of successful and failed files, as in uppy.upload()’s return value.

uppy.on('complete', (result) => {
console.log('successful files:', result.successful);
console.log('failed files:', result.failed);


Fired when Uppy fails to upload/encode the entire upload.


  • error - The error object.


uppy.on('error', (error) => {


Fired each time a single upload failed.


  • file - The Uppy file which didn’t upload.
  • error - The error object.
  • response - an optional parameter with response data from the upload endpoint.

It may be undefined or contain different data depending on the upload plugin in use.

For @uppy/xhr-upload, the shape is:

"status": 200, // HTTP status code (0, 200, 300)
"body": "…" // response body


uppy.on('upload-error', (file, error, response) => {
console.log('error with file:',;
console.log('error message:', error);

If the error is related to network conditions — endpoint unreachable due to firewall or ISP blockage, for instance — the error will have error.isNetworkError property set to true. Here’s how you can check for network errors:

uppy.on('upload-error', (file, error, response) => {
if (error.isNetworkError) {
// Let your users know that file upload could have failed
// due to firewall or ISP issues


Fired when an upload has been retried (after an error, for example).


This event is not triggered when the user retries all uploads, it will trigger the retry-all event instead.


  • file (UppyFile<M,B>)


uppy.on('upload-retry', (fileID) => {
console.log('upload retried:', fileID);


Fired when an upload has not received any progress in some time (in @uppy/xhr-upload, the delay is defined by the timeout option). Use this event to display a message on the UI to tell the user they might want to retry the upload.

uppy.on('upload-stalled', (error, files) => {
console.log('upload seems stalled', error, files);
const noLongerStalledEventHandler = (file) => {
if (files.includes(file)) {
console.log('upload is no longer stalled');'upload-progress', noLongerStalledEventHandler);
uppy.on('upload-progress', noLongerStalledEventHandler);


Fired when all failed uploads are retried


  • files (UppyFile<M,B>[])


uppy.on('retry-all', (fileIDs) => {
console.log('upload retried:', fileIDs);


Fired when “info” message should be visible in the UI. By default, Informer plugin is displaying these messages (enabled by default in Dashboard plugin). You can use this event to show messages in your custom UI:

uppy.on('info-visible', () => {
const { info } = uppy.getState();
// info: {
// isHidden: false,
// type: 'error',
// message: 'Failed to upload',
// details: 'Error description'
// }
console.log(`${info.message} ${info.details}`);


Fired when “info” message should be hidden in the UI. See info-visible.


Fired when cancelAll() is called, all uploads are canceled, files removed and progress is reset.


Fired when a file violates certain restrictions when added. This event is providing another choice for those who want to customize the behavior of file upload restrictions.

uppy.on('restriction-failed', (file, error) => {
// do some customized logic like showing system notice to users

new BasePlugin(uppy, options?)

The initial building block for a plugin.

BasePlugin does not contain DOM rendering so it can be used for plugins without an user interface.


See UIPlugin for the extended version with Preact rendering for interfaces.


Checkout the building plugins guide.


If you don’t use any UI plugins, any modern bundler should be able to tree-shake Preact code away. If you are not using a bundler that supports tree-shaking, it’s also possible to import BasePlugin like this: import BasePlugin from '@uppy/core/lib/BasePlugin.js.


The options passed to BasePlugin are all you options you wish to support in your plugin.

You should pass the options to super in your plugin class:

class MyPlugin extends BasePlugin {
constructor(uppy, opts) {
super(uppy, opts);



Options passed during initialization can also be altered dynamically with setOptions.


Retrieves the plugin state from the Uppy class. Uppy keeps a plugins object in state in which each key is the plugin’s id, and the value its state.


Set the plugin state in the Uppy class. Uppy keeps a plugins object in state in which each key is the plugin’s id, and the value its state.


The install method is ran once, when the plugin is added to Uppy with .use(). Use this to initialize the plugin.

For example, if you are creating a pre-processor (such as @uppy/compressor) you must add it:

install () {

Another common thing to do when creating a UI plugin is to mount it to the DOM:

install () {
const { target } = this.opts
if (target) {
this.mount(target, this)


The uninstall method is ran once, when the plugin is removed from Uppy. This happens when .close() is called or when the plugin is destroyed in a framework integration.

Use this to clean things up.

For instance when creating a pre-processor, uploader, or post-processor to remove it:

uninstall () {

When creating a UI plugin you should unmount it from the DOM:

uninstall () {


Call this.i18nInit() once in the constructor of your plugin class to initialize internationalisation.


You can use this method to make your plugin a target for other plugins. This is what @uppy/dashboard uses to add other plugins to its UI.


Called on each state update. You will rarely need to use this, unless if you want to build a UI plugin using something other than Preact.


Called after every state update with a debounce, after everything has mounted.

new UIPlugin(uppy, options?)

UIPlugin extends BasePlugin to add rendering with Preact. Use this when you want to create an user interface or an addition to one, such as Dashboard.


See BasePlugin for the initial building block for all plugins.


Checkout the building plugins guide.


The options passed to UIPlugin are all you options you wish to support in your plugin.

You should pass the options to super in your plugin class:

class MyPlugin extends UIPlugin {
constructor(uppy, opts) {
super(uppy, opts);

In turn these are also passed to the underlying BasePlugin.


All the methods from BasePlugin are also inherited into UIPlugin.


Mount this plugin to the target element. target can be a CSS query selector, a DOM element, or another Plugin. If target is a Plugin, the source (current) plugin will register with the target plugin, and the latter can decide how and where to render the source plugin.


Called after Preact has rendered the components of the plugin.


Removing the plugin from the DOM. You generally don’t need to override it but you should call it from uninstall.

The default is:

unmount () {
if (this.isTargetDOMEl) {


Called after the elements have been removed from the DOM. Can be used to do some clean up or other side-effects.


Render the UI of the plugin. Uppy uses Preact as its view engine, so render() should return a Preact element. render is automatically called by Uppy on each state change.


Called on each state update. You will rarely need to use this, unless if you want to build a UI plugin using something other than Preact.


Logger with extra debug and warning logs for during development.

import { Uppy, debugLogger } from '@uppy/core';

new Uppy({ logger: debugLogger });

You can also enable this logger by setting debug to true.

The default value of logger is justErrorsLogger, which looks like this:

// Swallow all logs, except errors.
// default if logger is not set or debug: false
const justErrorsLogger = {
debug: () => {},
warn: () => {},
error: (...args) => console.error(`[Uppy] [${getTimeStamp()}]`, ...args),

debugLogger sends extra debugging and warning logs which could be helpful during development:

// Print logs to console with namespace + timestamp,
// set by logger: Uppy.debugLogger or debug: true
const debugLogger = {
debug: (...args) => console.debug(`[Uppy] [${getTimeStamp()}]`, ...args),
warn: (...args) => console.warn(`[Uppy] [${getTimeStamp()}]`, ...args),
error: (...args) => console.error(`[Uppy] [${getTimeStamp()}]`, ...args),

Frequently asked questions

How do I allow duplicate files?

You can allow all files, even duplicate files, with onBeforeFileAdded. This will override the file if it has not been uploaded. If you upload a duplicate file again it depends on your upload plugin and backend how it is handled.

const uppy = new Uppy({
// ...
onBeforeFileAdded: () => true,