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Migration guides

These cover all the major Uppy versions and how to migrate to them.

Migrate from Companion 4.x to 5.x

  • End-of-Life versions of Node.js are no longer supported (use latest 18.x LTS, 20.x LTS, or 22.x current).
  • Setting the corsOrigin (COMPANION_CLIENT_ORIGINS) option is now required. You should define the list of origins you expect your app to be served from, otherwise it can be impersonated from a different origin you don’t control. Set it to true if you don’t care about impersonating. If you’re using Companion as an express middleware, do not use the cors module in your project, because Companion already includes it. Use the corsOrigins Companion option to customise CORS behavior.
  • COMPANION_REDIS_EXPRESS_SESSION_PREFIX now defaults to companion-session: (before sess:). To revert keep backwards compatibility, set the environment variable COMPANION_REDIS_EXPRESS_SESSION_PREFIX=sess:.
  • The URL endpoint (used by the Url/Link plugin) is now turned off by default and must be explicitly enabled with COMPANION_ENABLE_URL_ENDPOINT=true or enableUrlEndpoint: true.
  • The option streamingUpload / COMPANION_STREAMING_UPLOAD now defaults to true.
  • The option getKey(req, filename, metadata) has changed signature to getKey({ filename, metadata, req }).
  • The option bucket(req, metadata) has changed signature to bucketOrFn({ req, metadata, filename }).
  • Custom provider breaking changes. If you have not implemented a custom provider, you should not be affected.
    • The static getExtraConfig property has been renamed to getExtraGrantConfig.
    • The static authProvider property has been renamed to oauthProvider.
  • Endpoint GET /s3/params now returns { method: "POST" } instead of { method: "post" }. This will not affect most people.
  • access-control-allow-headers is no longer included in Access-Control-Expose-Headers, and uppy-versions is no longer an allowed header. We are not aware of any issues this might cause.
  • Internal refactoring (probably won’t affect you)
    • getProtectedGot parameter blockLocalIPs changed to allowLocalIPs (inverted boolean).
    • getURLMeta 2nd (boolean) argument inverted.
    • getProtectedHttpAgent parameter blockLocalIPs changed to allowLocalIPs (inverted boolean).
    • downloadURL 2nd (boolean) argument inverted.
    • StreamHttpJsonError renamed to HttpError.
  • Removed the oauthOrigin option, as well as the (undocumented) option clients. Use corsOrigin instead.



Unless you built a custom provider, you don’t use @uppy/companion-client directly but through provider plugins such as @uppy/google-drive. In which case you don’t have to do anything.

  • supportsRefreshToken now defaults to false instead of true. If you have implemented a custom provider, this might affect you.
  • Socket class is no longer in use and has been removed. Unless you used this class you don’t need to do anything.
  • Remove deprecated options serverUrl and serverPattern (they were merely defined in Typescript, not in use).
  • RequestClient methods get, post, delete no longer accepts a boolean as the third argument. Instead, pass { skipPostResponse: true | false }. This won’t affect you unless you’ve been using RequestClient.
  • When pausing uploads, the WebSocket towards companion will no longer be closed. This allows paused uploads to be cancelled, but once a file has been paused it will still occupy its place in the concurrency queue.

Migrate from Uppy 3.x to 4.x

TypeScript rewrite

Almost all plugins have been completely rewritten in TypeScript! This means you may run into type error all over the place, but the types now accurately show Uppy’s state and files.

There are too many small changes to cover, so you have to upgrade and see where TypeScript complains.

One important thing to note are the new generics on @uppy/core.

import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
// xhr-upload is for uploading to your own backend.
import XHRUpload from '@uppy/xhr-upload';

// Your own metadata on files
type Meta = { myCustomMetadata: string };
// The response from your server
type Body = { someThingMyBackendReturns: string };

const uppy = new Uppy<Meta, Body>().use(XHRUpload, {
endpoint: '/upload',

const id = uppy.addFile({
name: 'example.jpg',
data: new Blob(),
meta: { myCustomMetadata: 'foo' },

// This is now typed
const { myCustomMetadata } = uppy.getFile(id).meta;

await uppy.upload();

// This is strictly typed too
const { someThingMyBackendReturns } = uppy.getFile(id).response.body!;

@uppy/aws-s3 and @uppy/aws-s3-multipart

  • @uppy/aws-s3 and @uppy/aws-s3-multipart have been combined into a single plugin. You should now only use @uppy/aws-s3 with the new option, shouldUseMultipart(), to allow you to switch between regular and multipart uploads. You can read more about this in the plugin docs.

  • Remove deprecated prepareUploadParts option.

  • Companion’s options (companionUrl, companionHeaders, and companionCookieRules) are renamed to more generic names (endpoint, headers, and cookieRules).

    Using Companion with the @uppy/aws-s3 plugin only makes sense if you already need Companion for remote providers (such as Google Drive). When using your own backend, you can let Uppy do all the heavy lifting on the client which it would normally do for Companion, so you don’t have to implement that yourself.

    As long as you return the JSON for the expected endpoints (see our server example), you only need to set endpoint.

    If you are using Companion, rename the options. If you have a lot of client-side complexity (createMultipartUpload, signPart, etc), consider letting Uppy do this for you.


  • The close() method has been renamed to destroy() to more accurately reflect you can not recover from it without creating a new Uppy instance.
  • The clearUploadedFiles() method has been renamed to clear() as a convenience method to clear all the state. This can be useful when a user navigates away and you want to clear the state on success.
  • bytesUploaded, in file.progress.bytesUploaded, is now always a boolean, instead of a boolean or number.


Before the plugin had the options getResponseData, getResponseError, validateStatus and responseUrlFieldName. These were inflexible and too specific. Now we have hooks similar to @uppy/tus:

  • onBeforeRequest to manipulate the request before it is sent.
  • shouldRetry to determine if a request should be retried. By default 3 retries with exponential backoff. After three attempts it will throw an error, regardless of whether you returned true.
  • onAfterResponse called after a successful response but before Uppy resolves the upload.

Checkout the docs for more info.


The options signature, params, fields, and getAssemblyOptions have been removed in favor of assemblyOptions, which can be an object or an (async) function returning an object.

When using assemblyOptions() as a function, it is now called only once for all files, instead of per file. Before @uppy/transloadit was trying to be too smart, creating multiple assemblies in which each assembly has files with identical fields. This was done so you can use fields dynamically in your template per file, instead of per assembly.

Now we sent all metadata of a file inside the tus upload (which @uppy/transloadit uses under the hood) and make it accessible in your Transloadit template as file_user_meta. You should use fields for global values in your template and file_user_meta for per file values.

Another benefit of running assemblyOptions() only once, is that when generating a secret on your server (which you should), a network request is made only once for all files, instead of per file.


  • We no longer build and serve the legacy build, made for IE11, on our CDN.


  • All uploaders plugins now consistently use allowedMetaFields. Before there were inconsistencies between plugins.
  • All plugin titles (what you see in the Dashboard when you open a plugin) are now set from the locale option. See the docs on how to overide a string.


  • Upgrade to Angular 18.x (17.x is still supported too) and to TS 5.4


  • Remove deprecated useUppy
  • You can no longer set inline on the Dashboard component, use Dashboard or DashboardModal components respectively.


  • Make Svelte 5 the peer dependency
  • Remove UMD output


  • Migrate to Composition API with TypeScript & drop Vue 2 support
  • Drop Vue 2 support

Migrate from Robodog to Uppy plugins

Uppy is flexible and extensible through plugins. But the integration code could sometimes be daunting. This is what brought Robodog to life. An alternative with the same features, but with a more ergonomic and minimal API.

But, it didn’t come with its own set of new problems:

  • It tries to do the exact same, but it looks like a different product.
  • It’s confusing for users whether they want to use Robodog or Uppy directly.
  • Robodog is more ergonomic because it’s limited. When you hit such a limit, you need to refactor everything to Uppy with plugins.

This has now led us to deprecating Robodog and embrace Uppy for its strong suits; modularity and flexibility. At the same time, we also introduced something to take away some repetitive integration code: @uppy/remote-sources.

To mimic the Robodog implementation with all its features, you can use the code snippet below. But chances are Robodog did more than you need so feel free to remove things or go through the list of plugins and install and use the ones you need.

You can also checkout how we migrated the Robodog example ourselves in this commit.

import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
import Dashboard from '@uppy/dashboard';
import RemoteSources from '@uppy/remote-sources';
import Webcam from '@uppy/webcam';
import ScreenCapture from '@uppy/screen-capture';
import GoldenRetriever from '@uppy/golden-retriever';
import ImageEditor from '@uppy/image-editor';
import Audio from '@uppy/audio';
import Transloadit, {
} from '@uppy/transloadit';

import '@uppy/core/dist/style.css';
import '@uppy/dashboard/dist/style.css';
import '@uppy/audio/dist/style.css';
import '@uppy/screen-capture/dist/style.css';
import '@uppy/image-editor/dist/style.css';

new Uppy()
.use(Dashboard, {
inline: true,
target: '#app',
showProgressDetails: true,
proudlyDisplayPoweredByUppy: true,
.use(RemoteSources, {
companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
.use(Webcam, {
showVideoSourceDropdown: true,
showRecordingLength: true,
.use(Audio, {
showRecordingLength: true,
.use(Transloadit, {
service: '',
async getAssemblyOptions(file) {
// This is where you configure your auth key, auth secret, and template ID
// /uppy/docs/transloadit/#getAssemblyOptions-file
// It is important to set the secret in production:
const response = await fetch('/some-endpoint');
return response.json();

Migrate from Uppy 2.x to 3.x

Uppy is pure ESM

Following the footsteps of many packages, we now only ship Uppy core and its plugins as ECMAScript Modules (ESM). On Uppy 2.x, we were shipping CommonJS.

If are already using ESM yourself, or are using the CDN builds, nothing changes for you!

If you are using CommonJS, you might need to add some tooling for everything to work, or you might want to refactor your codebase to ESM – refer to the Pure ESM package gist for added information and help on how to do that.

Robodog is deprecated

See the Robodog migration guide.


Remove AggregateError polyfill.

It’s supported by most modern browsers and can be polyfilled by the user if needed.

To migrate: install a AggregateError polyfill or use core-js.

Remove reset() method.

It’s a duplicate of cancelAll, but with a less intention revealing name.

To migrate: use cancelAll.

Remove backwards compatible exports (static properties on Uppy)`

Uppy, UIPlugin, BasePlugin, and debugLogger used to also be accessible on the Uppy export. This has now been removed due to the transition to ESM.

To migrate: import the Uppy class by default and/or use named exports for everything else.

uppy.validateRestrictions() now returns a RestrictionError

This method used to return { result: false, reason: err.message }, but that felt strange as it tries to mimic an error. Instead it now return a RestrictionError, which is extended Error class.

To migrate: check the return value, if it’s defined you have an error, otherwise all went well. Note that the error is return’ed, it’s not throw’n, so you don’t have to catch it.


Remove export of ALLOWED_COMPANION_PATTERN, COMPANION, and COMPANION_PATTERN in favor of COMPANION_URL and COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS. This is to have more intention revealing names, COMPANION sounds like the Companion instance, COMPANION_URL makes it more clear that it’s a URL.

These are properties can now be imported and used for remote sources plugins when using Transloadit:

import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';

// ...
uppy.use(Dropbox, {
companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,


Make headers inside the return value of prepareUploadParts part-indexed too.

This is to allow custom headers to be set per part. See this issue for details.

To migrate: make headers part indexed like presignedUrls: { "headers": { "1": { "Content-MD5": "foo" } }}.

Remove client getter and setter.

It’s internal usage only.

To migrate: use exposed options only.

@uppy/tus/, @uppy/aws-s3, @uppy/xhr-upload

Rename metaFields option to allowedMetaFields. Counter intuitively, metaFields is for filtering which metaFields to send along with the request, not for adding extra meta fields to a request. As a lot of people were confused by this, and the name overlaps with the metaFields option from Dashboard, we renamed it.

To migrate: use allowedMetaFields.


Uppy dependencies have become peer dependencies

@uppy/dashboard, @uppy/drag-drop, @uppy/file-input, @uppy/progress-bar, and @uppy/status-bar are now peer dependencies. This means you don’t install all these packages if you only need one.

To migrate: install only the packages you need. If you use the Dashboard component, you need @uppy/dashboard, and so onwards.

Don’t expose validProps on the exported components.

It’s internal usage only.

To migrate: use exposed options only.


@uppy/dashboard, @uppy/drag-drop, @uppy/progress-bar, and @uppy/status-bar are now peer dependencies. This means you don’t install all these packages if you only need one.

To migrate: install only the packages you need. If you use the Dashboard component, you need @uppy/dashboard, and so onwards.


@uppy/dashboard, @uppy/drag-drop, @uppy/file-input, @uppy/progress-bar, and @uppy/status-bar are now peer dependencies. This means you don’t install all these packages if you only need one.

To migrate: install only the packages you need. If you use the Dashboard component, you need @uppy/dashboard, and so onwards.


Remove backwards compatible exports (static properties on ReduxStore). Exports, such as reducer, used to also be accessible on the ReduxStore export. This has now been removed due to the transition to ESM.

To migrate: use named imports.


Remove rotateImage, protect, and canvasToBlob from the plugin prototype. They are internal usage only.

To migrate: use exposed options only.

Known issues

Migrate from Companion 3.x to 4.x

Minimum required Node.js version is v14.20.0

Aligning with the Node.js Long Term Support (LTS) schedule and to use modern syntax features. returns { app, emitter } instead of app

Companion 3.x provides the emitter as companionEmitter on app. As of 4.x, an object is returned with an app property (express middleware) and an emitter property (event emitter). This provides more flexibility in the future and follows best practices.

Removed searchProviders wrapper object inside providerOptions

To use @uppy/unsplash, you had to configure Unsplash in Companion inside providerOptions.searchProviders. This is redundant, Unsplash is a provider as well so we removed the wrapper object.

Moved the s3 options out of providerOptions

To use AWS S3 for storage, you configured the s3 object inside providerOptions. But as S3 is not a provider but a destination. To avoid confusion we moved the s3 settings to the root settings object.

Removed compatibility for legacy Custom Provider implementations

Custom Provider implementations must use the Promise API. The callback API is no longer supported.

Default to no ACL for AWS S3

Default to no ACL for S3 uploads. Before the default was public-read but AWS now discourages ACLs. The environment variable COMPANION_AWS_DISABLE_ACL is also removed, instead Companion only uses COMPANION_AWS_ACL.

protocol sent from Uppy in any get request is now required (before it would default to Multipart).

If you use any official Uppy plugins, then no migration is needed. For custom plugins that talk to Companion, make to send along the protocol header with a value of multipart, s3Multipart, or tus.

emitSuccess and emitError are now private methods on the Uploader class.

It’s unlikely you’re using this, but it’s technically a breaking change. In general, don’t depend on implicitly internal methods, use exposed APIs instead.

Removed chunkSize backwards compatibility for AWS S3 Multipart

chunkSize option will now be used as partSize in AWS multipart. Before only valid values would be respected. Invalid values would be ignored. Now any value will be passed on to the AWS SDK, possibly throwing an error on invalid values.

Removed backwards compatibility for /metrics endpoint

The metrics option is a boolean flag to tell Companion whether to provide an endpoint /metrics with Prometheus metrics. Metrics will now always be served under options.server.path. Before v4.x, it would always be served under the root.

For example: if { options: { metrics: true, server: { path: '/companion' }}}, metrics will now be served under /companion/metrics. In v3.x, the metrics would be served under /metrics.

Migrate from Uppy 1.x to 2.x

New bundle requires manual polyfilling

With 2.0, following in the footsteps of Microsoft, we are dropping support for IE11. As a result, we are able to remove all built-in polyfills, and the new bundle size is 25% smaller! If you want your app to still support older browsers (such as IE11), you may need to add the following polyfills to your bundle:

If you’re using a bundler, you need import these before Uppy:

import 'core-js';
import 'whatwg-fetch';
import 'abortcontroller-polyfill/dist/polyfill-patch-fetch';
// Order matters here: AbortController needs fetch, which needs Promise (provided by core-js).

import 'md-gum-polyfill';
import ResizeObserver from 'resize-observer-polyfill';

window.ResizeObserver ??= ResizeObserver;

export { default } from '@uppy/core';
export * from '@uppy/core';

If you’re using Uppy from a CDN, we now provide two bundles: one for up-to-date browsers that do not include polyfills and use modern syntax, and one for legacy browsers. When migrating, be mindful about the types of browsers you want to support:

<!-- Modern browsers (recommended) -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Legacy browsers (IE11+) -->
<script type="module">
import '';

Please note that while you may be able to get 2.0 to work in IE11 this way, we do not officially support it anymore.

Use BasePlugin or UIPlugin instead of Plugin

@uppy/core used to provide a Plugin class for creating plugins. This was used for any official plugin, but also for users who want to create their own custom plugin. But, Plugin always came bundled with Preact, even if the plugin itself didn’t add any UI elements.

Plugin has been replaced with BasePlugin and UIPlugin. BasePlugin is the minimum you need to create a plugin and UIPlugin adds Preact for rendering user interfaces.

You can import them from @uppy/core:

import { BasePlugin, UIPlugin } from '@uppy/core';

Note: some bundlers will include UIPlugin (and thus Preact) if you import from @uppy/core. To make sure this does not happen, you can import Uppy and BasePlugin directly:

import Uppy from '@uppy/core/lib/Uppy.js';
import BasePlugin from '@uppy/core/lib/BasePlugin.js';

Use the latest Preact for your Uppy plugins

Official plugins have already been upgraded. If you are using any custom plugins, upgrade Preact to the latest version. At the time of writing this is 10.5.13.

Set plugin titles from locales

Titles for plugins used to be set with the title property in the plugin options, but all other strings are set in locale. This has now been aligned. You should set your plugin title from the locale property.


import Webcam from '@uppy/webcam';

uppy.use(Webcam, {
title: 'Some title',


import Webcam from '@uppy/webcam';

uppy.use(Webcam, {
locale: {
strings: {
title: 'Some title',

Initialize Uppy with the new keyword

The default export Uppy is no longer callable as a function. This means you construct the Uppy instance using the new keyword.

import Uppy from '@uppy/core';

const uppy = new Uppy(); // correct.

const otherUppy = Uppy(); // incorrect, will throw.

Rename allowMultipleUploads to allowMultipleUploadBatches

allowMultipleUploadBatches means allowing several calls to .upload(), in other words, a user can add more files after already having uploaded some.

We have renamed this to be more intention revealing that this is about uploads, and not whether a user can choose multiple files for one upload.

const uppy = new Uppy({
allowMultipleUploadBatches: true,

New default limits for @uppy/xhr-upload and @uppy/tus

The default limit has been changed from 0 to 5. Setting this to 0 means no limit on concurrent uploads.

You can change the limit on the Tus and XHR plugin options.

uppy.use(Tus, {
// ...
limit: 10,
uppy.use(XHRUpload, {
// ...
limit: 10,

TypeScript changes

Uppy used to have loose types by default and strict types as an opt-in. The default export was a function that returned the Uppy class, and the types came bundled with the default export (Uppy.SomeType).

import Uppy from '@uppy/core';
import Tus from '@uppy/tus';

const uppy = Uppy<Uppy.StrictTypes>();

uppy.use(Tus, {
invalidOption: null, // this will make the compilation fail!

Uppy is now strictly typed by default and loose types have been removed.

// ...

const uppy = new Uppy();

uppy.use(Tus, {
invalidOption: null, // this will make the compilation fail!

Uppy types are now individual exports and should be imported separately.

import type { PluginOptions, UIPlugin, PluginTarget } from '@uppy/core';

Event types

@uppy/core provides an .on method to listen to events. The types for these events were loose and allowed for invalid events to be passed, such as uppy.on('upload-errrOOOoooOOOOOrrrr').

// Before:

type Meta = { myCustomMetadata: string };

// Invalid event
uppy.on<Meta>('upload-errrOOOoooOOOOOrrrr', () => {
// ...

// After:

// Normal event signature
uppy.on('complete', (result) => {
const successResults = result.successful;

// Custom signature
type Meta = { myCustomMetadata: string };

// Notice how the custom type has now become the second argument
uppy.on<'complete', Meta>('complete', (result) => {
// The passed type is now merged into the `meta` types.
const meta = result.successful[0].meta.myCustomMetadata;

Plugins that add their own events can merge with existing ones in @uppy/core with declare module '@uppy/core' { ... }. This is a TypeScript pattern called module augmentation. For instance, when using @uppy/dashboard:

uppy.on('dashboard:file-edit-start', (file) => {
const fileName =;

Changes to pre-signing URLs for @uppy/aws-s3-multipart

See the Uppy 2.0.0 announcement post about the batch pre-signing URLs change.

prepareUploadPart has been renamed to prepareUploadParts (plural). See the documentation link on how to use this function.

Removed the .run method from @uppy/core

The .run method on the Uppy instance has been removed. This method was already obsolete and only logged a warning. As of this major version, it no longer exists.

Removed resume and removeFingerprintOnSuccess options from @uppy/tus

Tus will now by default try to resume uploads if the upload has been started in the past.

This also means tus will store some data in localStorage for each upload, which will automatically be removed on success. Making removeFingerprintOnSuccess obsolete too.

That’s it!

Uppy 1.0 will continue to receive bug fixes for three more months (until ), security fixes for one more year (until ), but no more new features after today. Exceptions are unlikely, but can be made – to accommodate those with commercial support contracts, for example.

We hope you’ll waste no time in taking Uppy 2.0 out for a walk. When you do, please let us know what you thought of it on Reddit, HN, ProductHunt, or Twitter. We’re howling at the moon to hear from you!

Migrate from Companion 1.x to 2.x


Since v2, you now need to be running node.js >= v10.20.1 to use Companion.


In v2 the google and microsoft providerOptions have been changed to drive and onedrive respectively.

OAuth Redirect URIs

On your Providers’ respective developer platforms, the OAuth redirect URIs that you should supply has now changed from:

http(s)://$COMPANION_HOST_NAME/connect/$AUTH_PROVIDER/callback in v1


http(s)://$COMPANION_HOST_NAME/$PROVIDER_NAME/redirect in v2

New Redirect URIs

ProviderNew Redirect URI
Google Drivehttps://$COMPANION_HOST_NAME/drive/redirect
Google Photoshttps://$COMPANION_HOST_NAME/googlephotos/redirect