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Companion is an open source server application which takes away the complexity of authentication and the cost of downloading files from remote sources, such as Instagram, Google Drive, and others. Companion is a server-to-server orchestrator that streams files from a source to a destination, and files are never stored in Companion. Companion can run either as a standalone (self-hosted) application, Transloadit-hosted, or plugged in as an Express middleware into an existing application. The Uppy client requests remote files from Companion, which it will download and simultaneously upload to your Tus server, AWS bucket, or any server that supports PUT, POST or Multipart uploads.

This means a user uploading a 5GB video from Google Drive from their phone isn’t eating into their data plans and you don’t have to worry about implementing OAuth.

When should I use it?

If you want to let users download files from Box, Dropbox, Facebook, Google Drive, Google Photos, Google Drive Picker, Google Photos Picker, Instagram, OneDrive, Unsplash, Import from URL, or Zoom — you need Companion.

Companion supports the same uploaders as Uppy: Tus, AWS S3, and regular multipart. But instead of manually setting a plugin, Uppy sends along a header with the uploader and Companion will use the same on the server. This means if you are using Tus for your local uploads, you can send your remote uploads to the same Tus server (and likewise for your AWS S3 bucket).


Companion only deals with remote files, local files are still uploaded from the client with your upload plugin.


Using Transloadit services comes with a hosted version of Companion so you don’t have to worry about hosting your own server. Whether you are on a free or paid Transloadit plan, you can use Companion. It’s not possible to rent a Companion server without a Transloadit plan.

Sign-up for a (free) plan.


Choosing Transloadit for your file services also comes with temporary credentials for all remote providers. This means you don’t have to waste time going through the approval process of every app to get started.

When you’re ready, we still expect you to add your own credentials to prevent rate limits across our customers.


Downloading and uploading files through Companion doesn’t count towards your monthly quota, it’s a way for files to arrive at Transloadit servers, much like Uppy.

To do so each provider plugin must be configured with Transloadit’s Companion URLs:

import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
import Dropbox from '@uppy/dropbox';

uppy.use(Dropbox, {
companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,

You may also hit rate limits, because the OAuth application is shared between everyone using Transloadit.

To solve that, you can use your own OAuth keys with Transloadit’s hosted Companion servers by using Transloadit Template Credentials. Create a Template Credential on the Transloadit site. Select “Companion OAuth” for the service, and enter the key and secret for the provider you want to use. Then you can pass the name of the new credentials to that provider:

import { COMPANION_URL, COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS } from '@uppy/transloadit';
import Dropbox from '@uppy/dropbox';

uppy.use(Dropbox, {
companionUrl: COMPANION_URL,
companionAllowedHosts: COMPANION_ALLOWED_HOSTS,
companionKeysParams: {
credentialsName: 'my_companion_dropbox_creds',

Installation & use

Companion is installed from npm. Depending on how you want to run Companion, the install process is slightly different. Companion can be integrated as middleware into your Express app or as a standalone server. Most people probably want to run it as a standalone server, while the middleware could be used to further customise Companion or integrate it into your own HTTP server code.


Since v2, you need to be running node.js >= v10.20.1 to use Companion. More information in the migrating to 2.0 guide.

Windows is not a supported platform right now. It may work, and we’re happy to accept improvements in this area, but we can’t provide support.

Standalone mode

You can use the standalone version if you want to run Companion as it’s own Node.js process. It’s a configured Express server with sessions, logging, and security best practices. First you’ll typically want to install it globally:

npm install -g @uppy/companion

Standalone Companion will always serve HTTP (not HTTPS) and expects a reverse proxy with SSL termination in front of it when running in production. See COMPANION_PROTOCOL for more information.

Companion ships with an executable file (bin/companion) which is the standalone server. Unlike the middleware version, options are set via environment variables.


Checkout options for the available options in JS and environment variable formats.

You need at least these three to get started:

export COMPANION_SECRET="shh!Issa Secret!"

Then run:


You can also pass in the path to your JSON config file, like so:

companion --config /path/to/companion.json

You may also want to run Companion in a process manager like PM2 to make sure it gets restarted on upon crashing as well as allowing scaling to many instances.

Express middleware mode

First install it into your Node.js project with your favorite package manager:

npm install @uppy/companion

To plug Companion into an existing server, call its .app method, passing in an options object as a parameter. This returns a server instance that you can mount on a route in your Express app. Note: do not use the cors module in your project, because Companion already includes it. Use the corsOrigins Companion option to customise CORS behavior.

import express from 'express';
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import session from 'express-session';
import companion from '@uppy/companion';

const app = express();

// Companion requires body-parser and express-session middleware.
// You can add it like this if you use those throughout your app.
// If you are using something else in your app, you can add these
// middlewares in the same subpath as Companion instead.
app.use(session({ secret: 'some secrety secret' }));

const companionOptions = {
providerOptions: {
drive: {
server: {
host: 'localhost:3020',
protocol: 'http',
// Default installations normally don't need a path.
// However if you specify a `path`, you MUST specify
// the same path in `app.use()` below,
// e.g. app.use('/companion', companionApp)
// path: '/companion',
filePath: '/path/to/folder/',

const { app: companionApp } =;

Companion uses WebSockets to communicate progress, errors, and successes to the client. This is what Uppy listens to to update it’s internal state and UI.

Add the Companion WebSocket server using the companion.socket function:

const server = app.listen(PORT);


If WebSockets fail for some reason Uppy and Companion will fallback to HTTP polling.

Running many instances

We recommend running at least two instances in production, so that if the Node.js event loop gets blocked by one or more requests (due to a bug or spike in traffic), it doesn’t also block or slow down all other requests as well (as Node.js is single threaded).

As an example for scale, one enterprise customer of Transloadit, who self-hosts Companion to power an education service that is used by many universities globally, deploys 7 Companion instances. Their earlier solution ran on 35 instances. In our general experience Companion will saturate network interface cards before other resources on commodity virtual servers (c5d.2xlarge for instance).

Your mileage may vary, so we recommend to add observability. You can let Prometheus crawl the /metrics endpoint and graph that with Grafana for instance.

Using unique endpoints

One option is to run many instances with each instance having its own unique endpoint. This could be on separate ports, (sub)domain names, or IPs. With this setup, you can either:

  1. Implement your own logic that will direct each upload to a specific Companion endpoint by setting the companionUrl option
  2. Setting the Companion option COMPANION_SELF_ENDPOINT. This option will cause Companion to respond with a i-am HTTP header containing the value from COMPANION_SELF_ENDPOINT. When Uppy’s sees this header, it will pin all requests for the upload to this endpoint.

In either case, you would then also typically configure a single Companion instance (one endpoint) to handle all OAuth authentication requests, so that you only need to specify a single OAuth callback URL. See also oauthDomain and validHosts.

Using a load balancer

The other option is to set up a load balancer in front of many Companion instances. Then Uppy will only see a single endpoint and send all requests to the associated load balancer, which will then distribute them between Companion instances. The companion instances coordinate their messages and events over Redis so that any instance can serve the client’s requests. Note that sticky sessions are not needed with this setup. Here are the requirements for this setup:

  • The instances need to be connected to the same Redis server.
  • You need to set COMPANION_SECRET to the same value on both servers.
  • if you use the companionKeysParams feature (Transloadit), you also need COMPANION_PREAUTH_SECRET to be the same on each instance.
  • All other configuration needs to be the same, except if you’re running many instances on the same machine, then COMPANION_PORT should be different for each instance.




The headings display the JS and environment variable options (option ENV_OPTION). When integrating Companion into your own server, you pass the options to If you are using the standalone version, you configure Companion using environment variables. Some options only exist as environment variables or only as a JS option.

Default configuration
const options = {
server: {
protocol: 'http',
path: '',
providerOptions: {},
s3: {
endpoint: 'https://{service}.{region}',
conditions: [],
useAccelerateEndpoint: false,
getKey: ({ filename }) => `${crypto.randomUUID()}-${filename}`,
expires: 800, // seconds
allowLocalUrls: false,
logClientVersion: true,
periodicPingUrls: [],
streamingUpload: true,
clientSocketConnectTimeout: 60000,
metrics: true,


Full path to the directory to which provider files will be downloaded temporarily.


A secret string which Companion uses to generate authorization tokens. You should generate a long random string for this. For example:

const crypto = require('node:crypto');

const secret = crypto.randomBytes(64).toString('hex');

Omitting the secret in the standalone version will generate a secret for you, using the above crypto string. But when integrating with Express you must provide it yourself. This is an essential security measure.


Using a secret file means passing an absolute path to a file with any extension, which has only the secret, nothing else.


If you are using the Transloadit companionKeysParams feature (Transloadit-hosted Companion using your own custom OAuth credentials), set this variable to a strong randomly generated secret. See also COMPANION_SECRET (but do not use the same secret!)


Using a secret file means passing an absolute path to a file with any extension, which has only the secret, nothing else.


An allowlist (array) of strings (exact URLs) or regular expressions. Companion will only accept uploads to these URLs. This ensures that your Companion instance is only allowed to upload to your trusted servers and prevents SSRF attacks.


The port on which to start the standalone server, defaults to 3020. This is a standalone-only option.

Allows you to customize the domain of the cookies created for Express sessions. This is a standalone-only option.


Setting this to true disables the welcome message shown at /. This is a standalone-only option.


URL to running Redis server. This can be used to scale Companion horizontally using many instances. See How to scale Companion.


Set a custom prefix for redis keys created by connect-redis. Defaults to companion-session:. Sessions are used for storing authentication state and for allowing thumbnails to be loaded by the browser via Companion and for OAuth2. See also COMPANION_REDIS_PUBSUB_SCOPE.


An object of options supported by the ioredis client. See also RedisOptions.


Use a scope for the companion events at the Redis server. Setting this option will prefix all events with the name provided and a colon. See also COMPANION_REDIS_EXPRESS_SESSION_PREFIX.


Configuration options for the underlying server.

Key / Environment variableValueDescription
protocol COMPANION_PROTOCOLhttp or httpsUsed to build a URL to reference the Companion instance itself, which is used for headers and cookies. Companion itself always runs as a HTTP server, so locally you should use http. You must to set this to https once you enabled SSL/HTTPS for your domain in production by running a reverse https-proxy in front of Companion, or with a built-in HTTPS feature of your hosting service.
host COMPANION_DOMAINStringYour server’s publicly facing hostname (for example
oauthDomain COMPANION_OAUTH_DOMAINStringIf you have several instances of Companion with different (and perhaps dynamic) subdomains, you can set a single fixed subdomain and server (such as to handle your OAuth authentication for you. This would then redirect back to the correct instance with the required credentials on completion. This way you only need to configure a single callback URL for OAuth providers.
path COMPANION_PATHStringThe server path to where the Companion app is sitting. For instance, if Companion is at, then the path would be /companion).
implicitPath COMPANION_IMPLICIT_PATHStringIf the URL’s path in your reverse proxy is different from your Companion path in your express app, then you need to set this path as implicitPath. For instance, if your Companion URL is Where the path /mypath is defined in your NGINX server, while /companion is set in your express app. Then you need to set the option implicitPath to /mypath, and set the path option to /companion.
validHosts COMPANION_DOMAINSArrayIf you are setting an oauthDomain, you need to set a list of valid hosts, so the oauth handler can validate the host of the Uppy instance requesting the authentication. This is essentially a list of valid domains running your Companion instances. The list may also contain regex patterns. e.g ['', '', '(\\w+)']


This is essentially the same as the + server.path attributes. The major reason for this attribute is that, when set, it adds the value as the i-am header of every request response.


Object to enable providers with their keys and secrets. For example:

"drive": {
"key": "***",
"secret": "***"

When using the standalone version you use the corresponding environment variables or point to a secret file (such as COMPANION_GOOGLE_SECRET_FILE).


Secret files need an absolute path to a file with any extension which only has the secret, nothing else.

ServiceKeyEnvironment variables
OneDriveonedriveCOMPANION_ONEDRIVE_KEY, COMPANION_ONEDRIVE_SECRET, COMPANION_ONEDRIVE_SECRET_FILE, COMPANION_ONEDRIVE_DOMAIN_VALIDATION (Settings this variable to true enables a route that can be used to validate your app with OneDrive)


Companion comes with signature endpoints for AWS S3. These can be used by the Uppy client to sign requests to upload files directly to S3, without exposing secret S3 keys in the browser. Companion also supports uploading files from providers like Dropbox and Instagram directly into S3.


The S3 access key ID.


The S3 secret access key.


Using a secret file means passing an absolute path to a file with any extension, which has only the secret, nothing else.


Optional URL to a custom S3 (compatible) service. Otherwise uses the default from the AWS SDK.


The name of the bucket to store uploaded files in.

A string or function that returns the name of the bucket as a string and takes one argument which is an object with the following properties:

  • filename, the original name of the uploaded file;
  • metadata provided by the user for the file (will only be provided during the initial calls for each uploaded files, otherwise it will be undefined).
  • req, Express.js Request object. Do not use any Companion internals from the req object, as these might change in any minor version of Companion.


This adds support for setting the S3 client’s forcePathStyle option. That is necessary to use Uppy/Companion alongside localstack in development environments. Default: false.


The datacenter region where the target bucket is located.


An optional prefix for all uploaded keys. This is a standalone-only option. The same can be achieved by the getKey option when using the express middleware.


You can supply any S3 option supported by the AWS SDK in the providerOptions.s3.awsClientOptions object, except for the below:

  • accessKeyId. Instead, use the providerOptions.s3.key property. This is to make configuration names consistent between different Companion features.
  • secretAccessKey. Instead, use the providerOptions.s3.secret property. This is to make configuration names consistent between different Companion features.

Be aware that some options may cause wrong behaviour if they conflict with Companion’s assumptions. If you find that a particular option does not work as expected, please open an issue on the Uppy repository so we can document it here.

s3.getKey({ filename, metadata, req })

Get the key name for a file. The key is the file path to which the file will be uploaded in your bucket. This option should be a function receiving three arguments:

  • filename, the original name of the uploaded file;
  • metadata, user-provided metadata for the file.
  • req, Express.js Request object. Do not use any Companion internals from the req object, as these might change in any minor version of Companion.

This function should return a string key. The req parameter can be used to upload to a user-specific folder in your bucket, for example:

providerOptions: {
s3: {
getKey: ({ req, filename, metadata }) => `${}/${filename}`,
/* auth options */

The default implementation returns the filename, so all files will be uploaded to the root of the bucket as their original file name.

providerOptions: {
s3: {
getKey: ({ filename, metadata }) => filename,

When signing on the client, this function will only be called for multipart uploads.


Enable S3 Transfer Acceleration. This is a standalone-only option.


Set X-Amz-Expires query parameter in the presigned urls (in seconds, default: 300). This is a standalone-only option.


Set a Canned ACL for uploaded objects. This is a standalone-only option.


This option enables you to add custom providers along with the already supported providers. See adding custom providers for more information.


A boolean flag to tell Companion whether to log its version upon startup.


A boolean flag to tell Companion whether to provide an endpoint /metrics with Prometheus metrics (by default metrics are enabled.)


A boolean flag to tell Companion whether to enable streaming uploads. If enabled, it will lead to faster uploads because companion will start uploading at the same time as downloading using stream.pipe. If false, files will be fully downloaded first, then uploaded. Note that for Tus to suppport streaming files of unknown size, this requires an optional extension on the Tus server if using Tus uploads. For form multipart uploads it requres a server that can handle transfer-encoding: chunked. Defaults to true.


If this value is set, companion will limit the maximum file size to process. If unset, it will process files without any size limit (this is the default).


If this value is set, companion will periodically send POST requests to the specified URLs. Useful for keeping track of companion instances as a keep-alive.


Interval for periodic ping requests (in ms).


A JSON.stringify-able JavaScript Object that will be sent as part of the JSON body in the period ping requests.


A boolean flag to tell Companion whether to allow requesting local URLs (non-internet IPs).


Only enable this in development. Enabling it in production is a security risk.

corsOrigins (required)

Allowed CORS Origins. Passed as the origin option in cors.

Note this is used for both CORS’ Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, and for the targetOrigin for postMessage calls in the context of OAuth.

Setting it to true treats any origin as a trusted one, making it easier to impersonate your brand. Setting it to false disables cross-origin support, use this if you’re serving Companion and Uppy from the same domain name.


Stand-alone alternative to the corsOrigins option. A comma-separated string of origins, or 'true' (which will be interpreted as the boolean value true), or 'false' (which will be interpreted as the boolean value false). COMPANION_CLIENT_ORIGINS_REGEX will be ignored if this option is used.


In most cases, you should not be using a regex, and instead provide the list of accepted origins to COMPANION_CLIENT_ORIGINS. If you have to use this option, have in mind that this regex will be used to parse unfiltered user input, so make sure you’re validating the entirety of the string.

Stand-alone alternative to the corsOrigins option. Like COMPANION_CLIENT_ORIGINS, but allows a single regex instead.


Controls how big the uploaded chunks are for AWS S3 Multipart and Tus. Smaller values lead to more overhead, but larger values lead to slower retries in case of bad network connections. Passed to tus-js-client chunkSize as well as AWS S3 Multipart partSize.


Set this to true to enable the URL functionalily. Default: false.


Set this to true to enable the Google Picker (Photos / Drive) functionality. Default: false.


The object returned by also has a property companionEmitter which is an EventEmitter that emits the following events:

  • upload-start - When an upload starts, this event is emitted with an object containing the property token, which is a unique ID for the upload.
  • token - The event name is the token from upload-start. The event has an object with the following properties:
    • action - One of the following strings:
      • success - When the upload succeeds.
      • error - When the upload fails with an error.
    • payload - the error or success payload.

Example code for using the EventEmitter to handle a finished file upload:

const companionApp =;
const { companionEmitter: emitter } = companionApp;

emitter.on('upload-start', ({ token }) => {
console.log('Upload started', token);

function onUploadEvent({ action, payload }) {
if (action === 'success') {, onUploadEvent); // avoid listener leak
console.log('Upload finished', token, payload.url);
} else if (action === 'error') {, onUploadEvent); // avoid listener leak
console.error('Upload failed', payload);
emitter.on(token, onUploadEvent);

Frequently asked questions

Do you have a live example?

An example server is running at

How does the Authentication and Token mechanism work?

This section describes how Authentication works between Companion and Providers. While this behaviour is the same for all Providers (Dropbox, Instagram, Google Drive, etc.), we are going to be referring to Dropbox in place of any Provider throughout this section.

The following steps describe the actions that take place when a user Authenticates and Uploads from Dropbox through Companion:

  • The visitor to a website with Uppy clicks Connect to Dropbox.
  • Uppy sends a request to Companion, which in turn sends an OAuth request to Dropbox (Requires that OAuth credentials from Dropbox have been added to Companion).
  • Dropbox asks the visitor to log in, and whether the Website should be allowed to access your files
  • If the visitor agrees, Companion will receive a token from Dropbox, with which we can temporarily download files.
  • Companion encrypts the token with a secret key and sends the encrypted token to Uppy (client)
  • Every time the visitor clicks on a folder in Uppy, it asks Companion for the new list of files, with this question, the token (still encrypted by Companion) is sent along.
  • Companion decrypts the token, requests the list of files from Dropbox and sends it to Uppy.
  • When a file is selected for upload, Companion receives the token again according to this procedure, decrypts it again, and thereby downloads the file from Dropbox.
  • As the bytes arrive, Companion uploads the bytes to the final destination (depending on the configuration: Apache, a Tus server, S3 bucket, etc).
  • Companion reports progress to Uppy, as if it were a local upload.
  • Completed!

How to use provider redirect URIs?

When generating your provider API keys on their corresponding developer platforms (e.g Google Developer Console), you’d need to provide a redirect URI for the OAuth authorization process. In general the redirect URI for each provider takes the format:


For example, if your Companion server is hosted on, then the redirect URI you would supply for your OneDrive provider would be:

Please see Supported Providers for a list of all Providers and their corresponding names.

How to use Companion with Kubernetes?

We have a detailed guide on running Companion in Kubernetes.

How to add custom providers?

As of now, Companion supports the providers listed here out of the box, but you may also choose to add your own custom providers. You can do this by passing the customProviders option when calling the Uppy app method. The custom provider is expected to support Oauth 1 or 2 for authentication/authorization.

import providerModule from './path/to/provider/module';

const options = {
customProviders: {
myprovidername: {
config: {
authorize_url: '',
access_url: '',
oauth: 2,
key: '***',
secret: '***',
scope: ['read', 'write'],
module: providerModule,

The customProviders option should be an object containing each custom provider. Each custom provider would, in turn, be an object with two keys, config and module. The config option would contain Oauth API settings, while the module would point to the provider module.

To work well with Companion, the module must be a class with the following methods. Note that the methods must be async, return a Promise or reject with an Error):

  1. async list ({ token, directory, query }) - Returns a object containing a list of user files (such as a list of all the files in a particular directory). See example returned list data structure. token - authorization token (retrieved from oauth process) to send along with your request
    • directory - the id/name of the directory from which data is to be retrieved. This may be ignored if it doesn’t apply to your provider
    • query - expressjs query params object received by the server (in case some data you need in there).
  2. async download ({ token, id, query }) - Downloads a particular file from the provider. Returns an object with a single property { stream } - a stream.Readable, which will be read from and uploaded to the destination. To prevent memory leaks, make sure you release your stream if you reject this method with an error.
    • token - authorization token (retrieved from oauth process) to send along with your request.
    • id - ID of the file being downloaded.
    • query - expressjs query params object received by the server (in case some data you need in there).
  3. async size ({ token, id, query }) - Returns the byte size of the file that needs to be downloaded as a Number. If the size of the object is not known, null may be returned.
    • token - authorization token (retrieved from oauth process) to send along with your request.
    • id - ID of the file being downloaded.
    • query - expressjs query params object received by the server (in case some data you need in there).

The class must also have:

  • A unique static authProvider string property - a lowercased value which indicates name of the grant OAuth2 provider to use (e.g google for Google). If your provider doesn’t use OAuth2, you can omit this property.
  • A static property static version = 2, which is the current version of the Companion Provider API.

See also example code with a custom provider.

list data

// username or email of the user whose provider account is being accessed
"username": "johndoe",
// list of files and folders in the directory. An item is considered a folder
// if it mainly exists as a collection to contain sub-items
"items": [
// boolean value of whether or NOT it's a folder
"isFolder": false,
// icon image URL
"icon": "",
// name of the item
"name": "myfile.jpg",
// the mime type of the item. Only relevant if the item is NOT a folder
"mimeType": "image/jpg",
// the id (in string) of the item
"id": "uniqueitemid",
// thumbnail image URL. Only relevant if the item is NOT a folder
"thumbnail": "",
// for folders this is typically the value that will be passed as "directory" in the list(...) method.
// For files, this is the value that will be passed as id in the download(...) method.
"requestPath": "file-or-folder-requestpath",
// datetime string (in ISO 8601 format) of when this item was last modified
"modifiedDate": "2020-06-29T19:59:58Z",
// the size in bytes of the item. Only relevant if the item is NOT a folder
"size": 278940,
"custom": {
// an object that may contain some more custom fields that you may need to send to the client. Only add this object if you have a need for it.
"customData1": "the value",
"customData2": "the value"
// more items here
// if the "items" list is paginated, this is the request path needed to fetch the next page.
"nextPagePath": "directory-name?cursor=cursor-to-next-page"

How to run Companion locally?

  1. To set up Companion for local development, please clone the Uppy repo and install, like so:

    git clone
    cd uppy
    yarn install
  2. Configure your environment variables by copying the file to and edit it to its correct values.

    cp .env.example .env
    $EDITOR .env
  3. To start the server, run:

    yarn run start:companion

This would get the Companion instance running on http://localhost:3020. It uses node --watch so it will automatically restart when files are changed.